Shauf’s AI Improvement pack helps ensure this is the case. It makes numerous tweaks to the way the countries drift towards certain alignments in order to ensure that countries usually join the alignment which you would expect them to. There are also other changes which effect diplomacy. For example, the neutral AIs are adjusted so that they are much more likely to actually stay neutral.


This mod also makes some performance improvements by adjusting how often the AI calculates certain things like trade agreements. This can have an impact on older computers, which often bog down under the many calculations the AI has to perform to make the game move forward.

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Discussion in 'Games & Gaming' started by marvelous stan, Aug 24, 2014.

Ice Games For Kids

This page lists all mods for HoI3 that can be downloaded with workable versions. Follow the HoI3Wiki:Mod style guide to create a page for a mod. Here is a list of mods from the Paradox forums

WW2 Mods

WW2 with changes to the main game.

Official DLC

Graphics & Map Mods

Specialized Mods

Alternate scenarios

Scenarios that are entirely different to the historical WWII

Obsolete Mods

Mods that only work with the original HoI3 and are no longer developed.

Black Ice Game Mods Download

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